Exited unexpectedly with code: 137

I have a very simple example that I like to try with runkit, the example to run is visible in this file.

When I try to run the first line of the script the (“const deployer = require(‘web3-toolbox’);”) I got the following error: “When I run the first line, the require one I get an "Exited unexpectedly with code: 137” error.

The example.js runs, and not only for my machine.

Hi there!

We know this message isn’t very clear. But, this happens when the node process crashes. I just tried importing the dependency tree manually, for some reason the requiring of ganache-cliis crashing the process.

Hi there,

I’m having some trouble using the mjml package. Requiring it makes Node (tried a few different versions without luck) crash with the same error code.

Here’s the simplest example I could try: https://runkit.com/nicooprat/mjml-crash

I also tried to manually load the only dependency of this package (cross-env) alone and it works, so looks like it’s not the problem in my case.

Any idea? Thanks!