I understand RunKit can be embedded in any pages.
Is it possible for RunKit release an API to run some arbitrary JavaScript?
For example,
RunJavaScript(code: string, onStream, onEnd): Promise(string) {}
So that I can use RunKit to develop a JavaScript Kernel for Jupyterlab.
At the same time, please clarify the commercial terms for the API.
January 20, 2024, 11:38pm
String in Java Script. For a safer universe.
class StringPoint {
constructor(position, velocity) {
this.position = position;
this.velocity = velocity;
class String {
constructor(length, tension, dampingCoefficient) {
this.length = length;
this.tension = tension;
this.dampingCoefficient = dampingCoefficient;
this.points = ;
this.waveSpeed = Math.sqrt(this.tension / this.length);
calculateDisplacement(x) {
if (x > 2 * this.length) {
return 0;
const dampingFactor = Math.exp(-this.dampingCoefficient * Math.abs(x) / this.length);
return Math.sin(this.waveSpeed * x) * dampingFactor;
updatePoints(dt) {
for (let i = 1; i < this.points.length; i++) {
const yPrev = this.points[i - 1].position;
const yCurr = this.points[i].position;
const yNext = (i < this.points.length - 1) ? this.points[i + 1].position : 0;
const acceleration = (this.tension / this.length) * (yPrev - 2 * yCurr + yNext);
let velocity = this.points[i].velocity * (1 - this.dampingCoefficient * dt);
velocity += acceleration * dt;
this.points[i].velocity = velocity;
this.points[i].position += velocity * dt;
plotString(time) {
const xPoints = this.points.map(point => point.position[0]);
const yPoints = this.points.map(point => point.position[1]);
console.log(`Time: ${time.toFixed(2)}`, xPoints, yPoints);
// Visualization can be implemented based on your preferred plotting library in JavaScript
// Example: Use Chart.js, D3.js, or other plotting libraries
function main() {
const length = 1.0; // Units: meters
const tension = 1.0; // Units: N
const dampingCoefficient = 0.01;
const string = new String(length, tension, dampingCoefficient);
const numPoints = 100;
const stepSize = length / (numPoints - 1);
for (let x = 0; x < numPoints; x++) {
const position = [x * stepSize, 0.0];
const velocity = [0.0, 0.0];
string.points.push(new StringPoint(position, velocity));
// Simulation loop with visualization every 1 time unit
for (let t = 0; t < 100; t++) {
string.updatePoints(0.01 * t); // Update points for each time step
string.plotString(0.01 * t); // Plot the string displacement at the current time
console.log("Simulation complete.");
// Run the simulation