How do I publish a notebook using the url that links to (in the form of “/{package}”) instead of “/{user}/{id}”?
For example, has example code using the lodash npm package. When I navigate to the same url but substittute lodash for one of my packages the only code there is importing the package (which looks to be the default).
I don’t see a way to publish as /{package name} I only see a way to publish as /{user name}/{notebook id}
You actually publish packages like that through npm using their CLI tool. If you have npm on your local machine, you put the code in a folder and do npm publish from the command line.
We’re considering allowing you to publish notebooks to npm with a one-click button (as you mentioned, we might provide that option from the same publish panel). Sorry it doesn’t work that way today!
And how the authors of the packages published that notebook?
For my package (ethavatar), I only have module require in the notebook. Some other packages (for example lodash and meetup-api) also have some example in the notebook. How can I do this for my package?
Hi @filips123, If you want an example to show on the runkit package page you can use the runkitExample or runkitExampleFilename fields in your package.json. You can read more about that here: