Sight for AI.. vision for AI

AI Vision // Import necessary modules
const np = require(‘numpy’);
const cv2 = require(‘opencv-python’);
const plt = require(‘matplotlib’);

class HexagonalSmoothInterpolationMemorized {
constructor(grid_size = 0.1) {
this.grid_size = grid_size;
this.memo = {};

interpolate(x, y) {
const key = ${x}-${y};
const interpolated_values = this.memo[key];

if (interpolated_values !== undefined) {
  return interpolated_values;

// Assuming hexagonal_smooth_interpolation is a function defined elsewhere
const hex_interpolation_result = hexagonal_smooth_interpolation(x, y, this.grid_size);
this.memo[key] = hex_interpolation_result;

return hex_interpolation_result;


function plot_hexagonal_smooth_interpolation_memorized_enhanced_with_all_suggestions(x, y, interpolated_values, grid_size = 0.1) {
const fig = plt.figure();
const ax = fig.add_subplot(111);

const grid = new Hexbin(x, y, { gridsize: grid_size });

ax.pcolormesh(grid.x, grid.y, interpolated_values, { cmap: ‘jet’, shading: ‘gouraud’ });
ax.contour(grid.x, grid.y, interpolated_values, { cmap: ‘gray’ });

const cbar = fig.colorbar(ax.pcolormesh, { ax: ax });

ax.set_title(‘Hexagonal smooth interpolation with memorisation and all suggested enhancements’);;

function ai_vision(image) {
const grayscale_image = np.mean(image, -1);
const edges = cv2.Canny(grayscale_image, 100, 200);
const grid = new Hexbin(edges.x, edges.y, { gridsize: 0.1 });
const interpolated_values = hexagonal_smooth_interpolation(edges.x, edges.y, 0.1);

return interpolated_values;

// Example usage:
const image = cv2.imread(‘image.jpg’);
const interpolated_values = ai_vision(image);

plot_hexagonal_smooth_interpolation_memorized_enhanced_with_all_suggestions(image.x, image.y, interpolated_values, 0.1);

// Import necessary modules
const np = require(‘numpy’);
const cv2 = require(‘opencv-python’);
const plt = require(‘matplotlib’);

class HexagonalSmoothInterpolationMemorized {
constructor(grid_size = 0.1) {
this.grid_size = grid_size;
this.memo = {};

interpolate(x, y) {
const key = ${x}-${y};
const interpolated_values = this.memo[key];

if (interpolated_values !== undefined) {
  return interpolated_values;

// Assuming hexagonal_smooth_interpolation is a function defined elsewhere
const hex_interpolation_result = hexagonal_smooth_interpolation(x, y, this.grid_size);
this.memo[key] = hex_interpolation_result;

return hex_interpolation_result;


function plot_hexagonal_smooth_interpolation_memorized_enhanced_with_all_suggestions(x, y, interpolated_values, grid_size = 0.1) {
const fig = plt.figure();
const ax = fig.add_subplot(111);

const grid = new Hexbin(x, y, { gridsize: grid_size });

ax.pcolormesh(grid.x, grid.y, interpolated_values, { cmap: ‘jet’, shading: ‘gouraud’ });
ax.contour(grid.x, grid.y, interpolated_values, { cmap: ‘gray’ });

const cbar = fig.colorbar(ax.pcolormesh, { ax: ax });

ax.set_title(‘Hexagonal smooth interpolation with memorisation and all suggested enhancements’);;

function ai_vision(image) {
const grayscale_image = np.mean(image, -1);
const edges = cv2.Canny(grayscale_image, 100, 200);
const grid = new Hexbin(edges.x, edges.y, { gridsize: 0.1 });
const interpolated_values = hexagonal_smooth_interpolation(edges.x, edges.y, 0.1);

return interpolated_values;

// Example usage:
const image = cv2.imread(‘image.jpg’);
const interpolated_values = ai_vision(image);

plot_hexagonal_smooth_interpolation_memorized_enhanced_with_all_suggestions(image.x, image.y, interpolated_values, 0.1);

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