Runkit can not require modules in node v16

runkit can not require third-party modules in node 16. If switch to a node version less than 16, runkit works fine.

For more detail, see this: API document can not be executed now · Issue #3147 · ramda/ramda · GitHub

This is definitely not expected behavior on Node 16. Could you let us know what modules you’ve attempted to require, so I can take a deeper look?

‘ramda-fantasy’ and ‘lodash-doc-globals’.

Hi @adispring—thanks so much for letting us know about this. Your report revealed a bug that prevented a set of packages from being processed for Node 16. I’m really sorry for the inconvenience!

I’ve begun reprocessing any packages that were affected by this bug, but I first made sure ramda-fantasy and lodash-doc-globals were prioritized and are now available.

May I know which Node 16 change introduce this bug? and what’s the bug?

Thanks a lot too.
Ramda website’s run it here now works again.