Hello, I’m the developer behind the huetiful-js
package and in the past I’d test it using Runkit. However I’ve since released updates for my library but its still showing me the outdated version making it impossible for me to share notebooks of my library.
Please help! 
Sometime in November 2023, I and others observed that new packages and package versions uploaded to NPM stopped being updated on RunKit. I don’t believe this project is being actively maintained anymore, though it would be delightful if that changed.
(For what it’s worth, I’ve found that val.town, a project I don’t have any personal connection to, has been a reasonable replacement for the sorts of things I used to use RunKit for. Here’s an example of a little code snippet I would have used runkit to demonstrate in the past.)
Thanks mate! I was wondering what I was doing wrong in my development. I just signed up for val town now and I gotta say, the UI is pretty slick. Thanks for the heads up!
Dean Tarisai
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